Email Marketing Services

An Open Channel to Your Customers

Compared to social media, direct mail, and traditional marketing, email marketing services have greater return on investment (ROI),
click-through rates, and conversion rates. Email marketing services firms like SAM Control, who offer the finest email marketing services worldwide, are examples of this.

Email Marketing


Even now, email marketing remains one of the most efficient and affordable strategies. Email marketing can help you build a relationship with your audience while driving traffic to your blog, social media, or anywhere else you’d like folks to visit. You can even segment your emails and target users by demographic, so you’re only sending people the messages they want to see most.

Launch a customised email marketing campaign to enhance your internet exposure. SAM Control is a top email marketing company offering the best services. We are always committed to helping out customers the best way we can.



Compared to social media, direct mail, and traditional marketing, email marketing has a greater return on investment, click-through rate, and conversion rate.
For this reason, we at SAM Control, a top email marketing company that offers the best email marketing services worldwide, place just as much emphasis on email marketing as we do on other forms of advertising.


Email marketing Services is the only form of marketing where you can directly talk to your clients – past, present and future.


In a world full of automation, your customers want to know you care about them as individuals.


When someone needs an email, they know where to look – 70% of people who open an email look at it more than once.

600 million emails are sent daily by MailChimp, one of the most potent email marketing services programs available.

Simple Design

MailChimp makes it easy to design elegant and clean email templates to represent your brand.

Clean Reporting

MailChimp analytics show you everything from your open rate to where visitors clicked.

Spam Free

Stay out of the spam box! If someone marks you as spam, MailChimp will unsubscribe them.

Easy Integrations

MailChimp integrates seamlessly with all your favorite apps and software.

Lead Generation Strategies

It is insufficient to merely send out a monthly email and then hope for the best. You must set aside time and aggressively seek for new subscribers. Even if our designers at SAM Control, the top email marketing services provider in the world, can construct branded, interesting lead generating forms for you, you are the one who needs to apply them throughout your website.

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