Video Editing Services

More Hits. Increased Visits. Increased Revenue.

47% of all internet usage is made up of videos, according to video marketing companies and video editing
services offered worldwide. Is your video going to be among them?

Video Editing and Marketing Service UK | SAM Control UK

Video Marketing

30% more clicks, 100% more visits, and 64% higher likelihood of purchase

The landscape of digital marketing has evolved. It now compiles a number of methods that support increasing brand awareness and gauging audience interest. One of the most highly advised audience engagement strategies that international business houses are anticipating is video marketing services.

As a company specialising in video marketing, SAM Control recognises the potential of videos as a significant advertising tool and offers you a variety of worldwide video editing and promotion services to meet your online business promotion needs.


 Your marketing efforts can never be creative enough. Our explainer and animated videos are jam-packed with new and exciting ways to promote and represent your business to your ideal audience.


Your ideas, voice and message matter. We will work with you to make sure your animated video is everything you hoped it would be. We’ll be in full contact with you every step of the way.


Your brand is unique, your ideas are unique, your marketing should be unique. Don’t settle for the ordinary. Our video marketing company provides best video editing services globally that will make you stand out and above the competition.

Video Marketing Gets Results

100% more visits – 30% more clicks – 64% more likely to buy

Why Video?

It is projected that by 2020, video will account for 82% of all Internet traffic. Where does that leave your business, given the fact that an increasing number of online marketers are using video as their preferred digital media for reaching out to customers with powerful messages? In need of a unique film that can promote your business, increase traffic, and increase engagement?

The process of creating a SAM Control film starts with a thorough consultation: After evaluating your brand’s vision and objectives, we produce a video that specifically tackles these issues. We have the option of starting from scratch or using pre-existing concepts and storyboards. Presenting your good or service as the answer to the customer’s issue is the goal, and you should do it in the most interesting way you can.

Would you like to start a project with us?

With SAM Control, Elevate Your Business with Our Cutting-Edge Digital Marketing.